23Apr 24
Healthcare Equity: Our Commitment to Complex Populations
In the shadows of America's healthcare system, a profound truth remains: complex health populations often find themselves overlooked, underserved, and isolated. With fragmented care and inadequate access, the consequences echo…
21Feb 24
Pioneering Transformation: Radiant Alliance’s Visionary Leadership
Radiant Alliance is revolutionizing healthcare with its commitment to compassionate, person-centered care. Led by visionary executives including Rev. Dr. Kenneth Daniel, Kent Anderson, and Rick Marshall, we're redefining the standard of care nationwide. Visit radiantalliance.org for updates on our transformative journey
29Jan 24
Radiant Alliance Welcomes Genacross
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RADIANT ALLIANCE WELCOMES GENACROSS LUTHERAN SERVICES AS FOUNDING MEMBER Columbus, OH (Jan. 29, 2024) – Radiant Alliance, an affiliation of nonprofit organizations committed to transforming the healthcare…